Wednesday 16 April 2014


Hello and welcome to my first ever blog, and therefore my first ever blog post!

I'm Calum, a second year Modern Languages with Business student at The University of Nottingham. For a long time now I've wanted a blog to talk about anything and everything to do with sport, but it's only since getting involved with the radio team at university that my passion has really been ignited and I've been able to further my knowledge of football both in Britain and the United States. These two sports will be the focus for the majority of this blog. The plan is to update it once or twice a week with news, reports and things like that.

I know what some of you might be thinking: "But Calum, it's April. What could you possibly write about in April?!" Well, the Premier League and Football Leagues are at the "business end" of the season, and in the NFL, the draft lies less than a month away, and then it's all out for preseason, so there's lots to be looking forward to.

For those people who don't like American Football, I hope you find something educational in them that may inspire you to take an interest. For those of you who don't like football, the same applies. For those of you who don't like either sport, I hope my writing style will entertain you; I've been told I write good FIFA Apology Letters so that's a start.

Hope you stay and enjoy, and I look forward to hearing any feedback you have!

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